
What are shares?

Meaning and How They Compare to Stocks Meaning and How They Compare to Stocks Shares are units of equity ownership in a corporation. For some companies, shares exist as a financial asset providing for an equal distribution of any residual profits, if any are declared, in the form of dividends.

Who owns the shares of a privately held company?

Shares of privately held companies or partnerships are owned by the founders or partners. As small companies grow, shares are sold to outside investors in the primary market. These may include friends or family, and then angel or venture capital (VC) investors.

What is a share value of 200?

So if supposedly you are mining at difficulty of 10 and you sent 20 in a single round that means you have a total share value of 200. Where as other miners are mining at difficulty of 100 and they only sent 2 shares at the same round then that has a total share value of 200.


